There s No Other Place Like Home

There s No Other Place Like Home

1. A break happens due to sliding and movement of rocks below the Earth's surface. Which of thefollowing refers to the fracture or crack on the surface of the earth?A. Broken lines B. FaultC. RidgeD. Hill2. Earthquake energy is released in seismic waves. These waves spread out from its origin. Whichrefers to the exact point inside the crust where faulting begins?A. FocusB. faultC. Epicenter D. fracture3. Earthquakes happens where fault is located. What do you call an interconnected system of faultlines located inside and outside Philippines?A. Philippine fault system B. Ring of fireC. Fault line D. Plates4. A close look at faults help geologists to understand how the tectonic plates have moved relative toone another. What fault is created when blocks of rocks slide horizontally passed each other,moving in opposite direction?A. Normal Fault B. Strike -Slip fault C. Reverse Fault D.Inverse Fault5. Every good seismologist knows that the approximate speed of a tsunami, c, is given by theequation: c = Vg x d, where g= 9.8m/s2, d= water depth in meters, c-wave speed in m/s. If theaverage depth of the ocean is approximately 4500 m, what is the average speed of a tsunami?A. 210 m/sB. 2100 m/sC. 120 m/sD. 1200 m/s6. It is believed that earthquake happens somewhere on this planet every 30 seconds, day after day.When do earthquakes occur?A. Fault movesC. Epicenter is producedB. Magnitude occursD. Epicenter and fault align7. Epicenter is the point where earthquake originates. Where is the focus with respect to theepicenter?A. directly below the epicenterC. in the P wave shadow zoneB. directly above the epicenterD. in the S wave shadow zone8. Juan was sitting peacefully in front of the television when he suddenly felt earthquake whichvibration is like one passing of heavy truck. What intensity did Juan feel?A. IB. VIIC. IVD. V9. A scale is used to detect the magnitude and intensity of an earthquake. Which scale would mostlikely be used to tell how much earthquake damage was done to homes and other buildings?A. Richter scaleC. the moment magnitude scaleB. Mercalli scaleD. Seismic scale10. Marco is driving a car. A few minutes after, he saw the cars in front of him bumping with each other.He realized that an earthquake causes the bumping. His first reaction was to move out from his andfind a safe place to stay. If you were Marco, will you do the same?A. No, my car is expensive. I might lost it.B. Yes, it's better to be safe than regret losing life later.C. No, I will drive fast instead so I can arrive home safe.D. I will stay in the car instead and wait for the earthquake to stop.​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. A break happens due to sliding and movement of rocks below the Earth's surface. Which of thefollowing refers to the fracture or crack on the surface of the earth?A. Broken lines B. FaultC. RidgeD. Hill2. Earthquake energy is released in seismic waves. These waves spread out from its origin. Whichrefers to the exact point inside the crust where faulting begins?A. FocusB. faultC. Epicenter D. fracture3. Earthquakes happens where fault is located. What do you call an interconnected system of faultlines located inside and outside Philippines?A. Philippine fault system B. Ring of fireC. Fault line D. Plates4. A close look at faults help geologists to understand how the tectonic plates have moved relative toone another. What fault is created when blocks of rocks slide horizontally passed each other,moving in opposite direction?A. Normal Fault B. Strike -Slip fault C. Reverse Fault D.Inverse Fault5. Every good seismologist knows that the approximate speed of a tsunami, c, is given by theequation: c = Vg x d, where g= 9.8m/s2, d= water depth in meters, c-wave speed in m/s. If theaverage depth of the ocean is approximately 4500 m, what is the average speed of a tsunami?A. 210 m/sB. 2100 m/sC. 120 m/sD. 1200 m/s6. It is believed that earthquake happens somewhere on this planet every 30 seconds, day after day.When do earthquakes occur?A. Fault movesC. Epicenter is producedB. Magnitude occursD. Epicenter and fault align7. Epicenter is the point where earthquake originates. Where is the focus with respect to theepicenter?A. directly below the epicenterC. in the P wave shadow zoneB. directly above the epicenterD. in the S wave shadow zone8. Juan was sitting peacefully in front of the television when he suddenly felt earthquake whichvibration is like one passing of heavy truck. What intensity did Juan feel?A. IB. VIIC. IVD. V9. A scale is used to detect the magnitude and intensity of an earthquake. Which scale would mostlikely be used to tell how much earthquake damage was done to homes and other buildings?A. Richter scaleC. the moment magnitude scaleB. Mercalli scaleD. Seismic scale10. Marco is driving a car. A few minutes after, he saw the cars in front of him bumping with each other.He realized that an earthquake causes the bumping. His first reaction was to move out from his andfind a safe place to stay. If you were Marco, will you do the same?A. No, my car is expensive. I might lost it.B. Yes, it's better to be safe than regret losing life later.C. No, I will drive fast instead so I can arrive home safe.D. I will stay in the car instead and wait for the earthquake to stop.​


1. B










2. ACTIVITY 1. FILL IN THE BLANKS. Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks the missing word/s. Choose your answers inside the box. COMMUNITY HEALTH AFFORDABLE NATURAL INDUSTRIAL SOCIAL ATMOSPHERE ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AIR POLUTION WATER POLUTION FUMES RESPIRATORY SYSTEM GARBAGE 1. Air pollutants can damage our________ that will greatly affect the functions of other organs in the body. 2. It consists of the sum total of a society's belief, customs, practices, and behaviors. It is called________ environment. 3. _________is the art and sciences of maintaining, protecting and improving the health of all members of the community through organized and sustained community efforts. 4. Environment mainly consists of______ hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. 5. ____________is a term used to describe working conditions that may be outside of your home. 6. It comprises the nature of the living space. _________is in contrast to artificial environment or man-made environment like in a fishpond. 7. ________comprise of those aspects in human health that are determined by physical, chemical, biological, social and psychological factors in the surrounding environment. 8. A community should have access on______________ healthy foods, clean air, clean water and quality education. 9. __________must be dumped off regularly in appropriate places. 10. The air that comes from dangerous_________ coming from motor vehicles, smoke burning of garbage, and smoke from factory can be very dangerous to your body.​


1 Health






7 respiratory system



10air pollution


i tried

3. 1. In this period, religious books were written such as Doctrina Cristiana and Urbana Felisa, tosupport or contradict the Catholic Church.a. Spanish Periodc. 21 Century Periodb. American Periodd. Period of Enlightenment2. The period in the Philippine literary when the subject was commonly the experience of thepeople constituting the village, food gathering, creature and objects of nature, work in thehome, field, forest or sea, caring for children, others. This is evident in the most commonforms of oral literature like riddles and proverbs.a. Colonialc. Pre-Colonialb. Pre-Historyd. Post-Colonial3. It is a body of work, either written, oral or visual, containing imaginative language thatrealistically portrays thoughts, emotions, and experiences of human conditiona Literaturec. Philippine Literatureb. World Literatured. Pre-Colonial Literature4. It is a recreational play during the Colonial period that shows the dramatic performance tocommemorate the passion and death of Jesus Christ.a. Duploc. Cenaculob. Zarzuelad. PanunuluyanS. This is a kind of prose literature during the Pre-Spanish period and its common theme is aboutthe origin of a thing, place or location. The events are imaginary, devoid of truth andunbelievable. Its aim is to entertain. What is it?a. Epicc. Folk Talesb. Legendsd. Folk Songs6. It is a form of Pre-Spanish poetry that were used to serve as laws or rules on good behavior byancestors and to others, these were like allegories or parables that impart lessons to the youngChantc. Riddlesb. Maximsd. Epigrams (Salawikain)7. Which character or force is in conflict with the main character?a. Antagonistc. Hero/heroineb. Protagonistd. Supernatural powerWhich of the following literary genre was used to express social protest during the early daysof the American regime?a. Duploc. Comediab. Zarzuelad. Cenaculo9. Which period shows the reforms demanded by Propagandist were not given attention so thereis no other way for Filipinos but to revolt?​


1. A.

2. C.

3. A.

4. C.

5. B.

6. D.

7. B.

8. A.

9. Propaganda

4. 1. What is motion?a Movement or change in direction b. measurement c energy d electricity2. How many meters are there in 1 kilometer?1b. 100 100d. 10003 If Usain bolt finished a 200-meter race in 20 seconds, what was his speed?a. 0.01 meters/second 0.400 meters/secondb. 10 meters/second d. 4000 meters/secondC4. How many centimeters are in 10 kilometers?10 000b. 100 000 c. 1 000 000d. 10 000 0005. Which unit is preferably used to measure the distance between two cities?Centimeters b. Kilometers c. metersd. mile6. Which does not demonstrate motion?a. Ball rolling on the floor c. mother walking on the streetb. Ballerina dancing on stage d. pencil on the table7. Why do we need to use the metric system of measurement?a. because it is used by many scientistb. because it is important to describe motionbecause it is necessary to describe movementd. because it is easier to understand each other's data8. Which of following is the standard unit of measurement used fo distance or length?a Foot b. meterc. minuted. minuta9. Why do we need to use tools for measuring length or distance?To have an accurate datab. To be familiar with the use of each toolsTo have experience using tools like ruler, meterstick, tape measure, etc...d. None of the a'pove10. A car traveled 30 kilometers in 2 hours, what is its speed in m/s?a. 4.2 m/sb. 8.4m/sc. 15.0 m/sd. 30.0 m/s11. A jeepney travels 120 kilometers in 3 hours. What is its average speed?a. 40 k/hb. 43 km/hc. 60 km/hd 120km/h12. Which of the following demonstrates motion?A. Boy jogging in place c. girl running towards his fatherB. Dog bearking at the garage d boy running on a treadmill device13. Which of the following is not a standard unit in the metric system?a. Centimeter b. Footc. kilometerd. second14. How can a biker travel a great distance in a specified time?a. Pedal slowly to decrease the speed of the bikeb. Pedal faster to increase the speed of the bikeIncrease the distance it will cover in the same time allotmentd. Pedal faster to increase the time it will take to cover a distance15. Which is the reference point of a boy leaving home for school?a. Canteen b. Classroom c. homed. school ground16. V vhat does a traffic sign of 60 km/h on road mean?ia. A car may travel more than 60 km/hb. A car is not allowed to have a speed of 60 km/hc. The minimum speed a car may travel is 60 km/hd. The minimum speed a car may travel is 60 km/h17. Which of following shows motion?a. A boy watching TVb. A dog barking strangerc. A mother going to marketd. Pillow on bed18. Which is used in measuring length or distance?a. Meterstick b. Rulerc. Tape measure d. All the abovePA TULONG PO SALAMAT PO❤❤​




















Sana natulungan po kita

5. " THE OWL AND THE WOODPECKER"Once upon a time, in a a forest far away, there lived a woodpecker. The woodpecker lived in a tree in which he slept all night and worked all day.In the tree next door, there came to live an owl who liked to work all night and slept all day.The woodpecker worked so hard and made so much noise that his tapping woke the owl. You see, a woodpecker pecks at the wood and makes a continuous tapping sound."I say, you there!" screeched the owl. "How can I possibly sleep with all that noise going on?""This is my three," the woodpecker said, "and I shall tap it as I please."The owl lost his temper. His screeches and hoots echoed through the forest and animals for miles came running to see what was the matter."You carry on tapping, Master Woodpecker," squeked the mouse. "Owl is always bossing and chasing us about,""Oh, do be quiet," growled the bear, "Woodpecker, stop tapping and let Owl sleep. We like a peaceful life around here."Angrily, the owl swooped down on the small animals who ran for their lives and hid in all kinds of curious places. "Bully," they shouted when they were very safe.Then the owl ask the bigger animals what he could do to stop the noise but they all shook their heads. "How should we know?" they said. "You are the wise and clever one. Perhaps you could move to another tree.""Why should I?" snapped the owl. "I like living in this tree. That noisy woodpecker must move."But the woodpecker would not move. Day after day, his noisy tapping kept the owl awake. And day after the day the became more and more bad-tempered. He began to be so crotchety and rude that all the other animals decided that something must be done.So they held a meeting."Something must be dome," said the badger."Woodpecker was here first, so owl must leave.""But he says he will not leave his tree," replied the Deer"In that case we shall have to push down the tree, and then he will have to leave," said the crafty Fox.That night, while the owl was out hunting they all tried to push down tree. But no matter how hard they pushed and pulled and panted they could not move the tree the smallest bit. So they gave up and went back home.Some time later, two strangers came to the forest. They were a pair of beavers, and the took fancy to the owl's tree, and started to gnaw at the trunk.Every day they gnawed a little more, until it seemed as if they would gnaw the trunk right through.Then one day a great storm shook the forest. The wind roared through the trees. It was so strong the woodpecker gave up tapping, and so for once, the owl slept in peace. The owl's tree began to creak and crack and groan as the wind grew more and more fierce, but the tired owl slept soundly on.Suddenly the woodpecker saw the owl's tree begin to away and fall. At once he struggled bravely through the storm and tapped loudly close to the owl's ear to wake him. The owl woke up in a fury, hearing the woodpecker tapping on his tree, but when realized his tree was being blown down his anger quickly disappeared. Together the woodpecker and the owl struggled to safety just as the tree crashed to the ground.Then the storm died away, and the owl thanked the woodpecker for saving his life. Now he was glad that the woodpecker had been his neighbor.--------------------------------The map below is called the story grammar map. Write the missing elements of the story in it. STORY GRAMMARTitle: ____________________________Author: __________________________SETTINGWhen? __________________________Where? __________________________Main characters: ___________________________________________________PLOTInitial event: ______________________________________________________Initial response: ___________________________________________________Attempt/s: ________________________________________________________Outcome: ________________________________________________________Consequence: ____________________________________________________Reaction: _________________________________________________________Write a summary of the stroy in the space provided below.The story happened in ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________​



Author: Brian Wildsmith


When? Once upon a time
Where? In a forest far away

Main characters: The owl and the woodpecker (are the main characters)


Initial event:

The woodpecker made so much noise, that it made the owl unable to sleep and couldn’t bare to tolerate the woodpecker’s continuous taps.
Initial response:

The owl lost his temper. His screeches and hoots echoed throughout the forest, and animals for miles came running to see what was the matter. The animals held a meeting that they should make the owl leave because the woodpecker was there first before him. Knowing the owl is too stubborn to leave because it was his tree and like it there, they planned to push the owl’s tree.


The animals’ plan didn’t work out because they couldn’t move the tree the smallest bit. They gave up and went home.

“Some time later, two strangers came to the forest. They were a pair of beavers, and the took fancy to the owl's tree, and started to gnaw at the trunk.Every day they gnawed a little more, until it seemed as if they would gnaw the trunk right through.”


“One day a great storm shook the forest. The wind roared through the trees. It was so strong the woodpecker gave up tapping, and so for once, the owl slept in peace. The owl's tree began to creak and crack and groan as the wind grew more and more fierce, but the tired owl slept soundly on.”

The woodpecker rescued the tired owl from the storm. After that, the owl was glad that the woodpecker had been his neighbour because he saved his life. If he wasn’t there, he’d be gone along with his tree from the storm.

Write a summary of the story in the space provided below. The story happened in

In a forest far away, a woodpecker and an owl who are at odds with each other because of different sleeping schedules and noise issues. Woodpecker's noise disturbs Owl's daytime sleeping. The feud gets so big that the other animals try to intercede. They eventually come up with a solution to solve their problem. Owl has a change of heart when Woodpecker's bravery saves his life.

6. direction:choose and write the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided before each number 1.which does not demonstrate motiona.ball rolling on the mall b.ballerina on stage c. mother walking on the street d.pencil on the table 2.if mario finish a 200 meter race in 20 seconds what was his speed a.0.01 meters/second b.10meters/secondc.400meters/second d.4000/meters/second3.why do we need to use the metric system of measurement a.because it is used by many scientists b.because it is important to describe motion c.because it is necessary to describe movement d.because it is easier to understand each other data 4.which of the following is the standard unit of measurement used for distance or length a.foot b.meter c.minute d.second5.why do we need to use tools for measuring length or distance b.a. to have an accurate data be familiar with the use of each tools have experience using tools like ruler meter stick and tape measure d.none of the above 6.a car traveled 30 km for 2 hours what its speed a.4.2 m /s b.8.5 m / s c.15.0 m / s d.120 km/hour7 jeepney travels 120 km in 3 hours what is its speed in m/s ca.40 km / hour b.43 km / hour c.60 km / hour d.30.0 m/s 8.which of the following is not a standard unit of measurement a.boy jogging in place barking at the garrage c.girl running towards his father d.boy running on a treadmill can a biker travel a great distance in a specified time a.pedale slowly to decrease the speed of the bike b.pedal faster to increase the speed of the bikec. increase the distance it will cover in the same time allotment d.pedal faster to increase the time it will take to cover a distance 10.which is the reference point of a boy leaving home for school a.canteen b.classroom c.home ground 11.what does a traffic sign of 60/ km hour on a road mean?a.a car may travel more than 60 km /hour b.a car is not allowed to have a speed of 60 km/hour c. the minimum speed a car mae travel is 60 km / hour d.the maximum speed a car travels 60 km/ hour 12.which of the following shows motion a.a boy watching tv b.a cat is sleeping under the table c.children going to school d.pillows on bed 13.which is used in measuring length or distance a.meter stick b.ruler c.tape measure d.all of the above ​

















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