Church As Mystical Communion

Church As Mystical Communion

how are BECs model of communion in the church? Give three manifestations of this communion​

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1. how are BECs model of communion in the church? Give three manifestations of this communion​


Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs), also called Basic Christian Communities, Small Christian Communities. Some contend that the movement has its origin and inspiration from Liberation Theology in Latin America. However, many would regard the emergence of BECs as part of the concrete realization of the communitarian model of the Church (as Communion and as People of God) promoted by the Second Vatican Council. The communities are considered as a new way of “being the Church”— the Church at the grassroots, in the neighborhood and villages. The earliest communities emerged in Brazil and in the Philippines in the late 1960s and later spread to Africa, Asia and in recent times in Australia and North America.

During the early years of their existence, some BECs, especially in Latin America, were suspected of being influenced by Marxism due to their involvement in social and political concerns and their identification with liberation theology. However, that is not completely true. The BECs were not meant to reject or supplant the existing church structures but to make it possible for ordinary Catholics or lay-faithful to experience the Church as a community and to actively participate in the life and mission of the Church. The vision of a renewed Church that Vatican II spelt out in the conciliar documents Lumen Gentium and Gaudium et Spes was to be realized in the BECs.

In the BECs, the members are called to live in communion with the Triune God, with one another, with their pastors. They actively participate in Christ’s prophetic mission by listening to the Word of God, proclaiming it and giving witness to it. They are called to announce the message of total salvation, peace and justice. They are to denounce the evil and all its manifestation in society – the idolatry of wealth and power, violence, injustices, the culture of death.

The ordinary faithful are enabled to exercise the common priesthood by actively participating in the liturgical celebrations. They participate in Christ’s kingly mission by their loving service to others especially the poor and the needy, their work for justice and peace for social transformation. Thus, in many parts of the world, BECs are referred to as prophetic (evangelizing), priestly (worshipping) and kingly (serving) communities echoing Vatican II’s vision of the Church as People of God.

In his encyclical Redemptoris Missio, Pope John Paul II affirmed that “BECs are centers for Christian formation and missionary outreach. They are a sign of vitality within the Church, an instrument of formation and evangelization, a solid starting point for a new society based on a “civilization of love.” BECs decentralize and organize the parish community to which they remain united. They take root among the less privileged. They become a leaven of Christian life, care for the poor,and commitment to the transformation of society… They are a means of evangelization and of initial proclamation of the Gospel – a source of new ministries. They are a true expression of communion and a means for the construction of a more profound communion. They are a cause for great hope for the life of the

2. how are BECs is model communion in the church give three manifestations of this communion? ​


The movement's ideals were simple, namely to express Christian love in three ways: giving, service and non-violence.


hope it helps

3. what is the purpose of the communion in the church?​


in that way, we will having a connection to God and we will be more closer to him


pagtanggap ng laman at dugo ni Kristo

4. Explain how the militant Church, penitent Church, and Triumphant Church have communion with one another.

The militant Church, penitent Church, and Triumphant Church are three different ways of understanding the Church on earth, in heaven, and in purgatory, respectively. These three ways of understanding the Church are often referred to as the "three states" of the Church.

The militant Church refers to the Church on earth, which is composed of believers who are still alive and engaged in the struggle against sin and temptation. The penitent Church refers to the Church in purgatory, which is composed of believers who have died and are being purified of their sins before entering heaven. The Triumphant Church refers to the Church in heaven, which is composed of believers who have died and have been fully purified of their sins, and who now enjoy the beatific vision of God.

All three states of the Church are in communion with one another, meaning that they are all part of the same Church and share a common faith. The members of the militant Church pray for the members of the penitent Church, and the members of the Triumphant Church intercede for the members of the militant Church. This mutual support and intercession is an important aspect of the Church's belief in the Communion of Saints, which is the belief that all believers, both living and deceased, are united in Christ and form one Body of Christ.


The militant Church refers to the Church on earth, which is currently engaged in the spiritual struggle against sin and evil. The penitent Church refers to the Church in purgatory, which is undergoing purification and preparation for heaven. The triumphant Church refers to the Church in heaven, which has achieved victory over sin and death and is in the presence of God.

Overall, the three aspects of the Church are believed to be united in their common goal of achieving salvation and union with God, and they are able to support and influence one another in their journey towards this goal.

5. why is the church a visible sign of communion with god?​


Your going to church to gain a connection with god. Since your gaining a connection your communicating with god.


The Church is the Sacrament of Communion since, by the Grace of the Sacraments, she is God's instrument in bringing Human Beings into Communion with God and each other. It implies that the Church is both a symbol of redemption and a source of salvation.

6. How did the Church show their communion with the people in Argentina?​


Argentina, for much of its history and including the present day, has been an overwhelmingly Christian country. The largest Christian denomination in the country is Roman Catholicism. The historical background is very much due to the Spanish influence brought about through the newly conquered territories. However, immigration throughout the 20th century has brought other Catholics and denominations from various regions to Argentina.


7. What threatens communion in the church

  In communion I take it your talking about ecumenism, the threats have always been the same the Church is made up of man and man is not perfect and is capable of making mistakes because all men are sinners it doesn't matter if you are Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant they are all made up of sinful man. The result of heresies, apostasies, and schism is because of man the fault is never one sided. 

8. The participation of the filipino youth in the church's mission towards communion poetry.​


There is a deep hunger in youth and young adults—a hunger for love, for truth, for meaning, for belonging, and for purpose that the culture cannot satisfy. This hunger is satisfied in friendship with Jesus Christ—a friendship that leads to community in his Church and to fruitful sharing of love and care with those in need. Another way to describe this friendship is the invitation to become a missionary disciple of and for Jesus Christ. Youth and young adults begin their discipleship journey in baptism and continue on that journey when they come to love Christ and follow His ways. They become missionary disciples when they seek to witness and serve those most in need, beginning with those closest to them. Our engagement with youth and young adults should help young disciples encounter Christ. Accompany them, promote belonging in the parish community, and lead them to missionary witness.


ideas lang mabibigay ko beh.

9. What does the statement "The Church is a Communion in a state of Mission means?"


The Church is a communion for it is an assembly of people who has a mission that is why at the end of Eucharist the people are sent in order to bring the good news to others.


Sana makatulong kung may mali pakitama nalang po :)

10. define the church as a sacrament of communion​


n. 1. A sacrament and the central act of worship in many Christian churches, which was instituted at the Last Supper and in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed in remembrance of Jesus's death;


yan po sagot

1. A sacrament and the central act of worship in many Christian churches, which was instituted at the Last Supper and in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed in remembrance of Jesus's death; Communion.

How is the Church a sacrament of Communion?

Even though we are required to receive Communion at least once per year (our Easter Duty), and the Church urges us to receive Communion frequently (even daily, if possible), it is called a sacrament of initiation because, like Baptism and Confirmation, it brings us into the fullness of our life in Christ.

What is meant by Church as Communion?

1 : an act or instance of sharing. 2a capitalized : a Christian sacrament in which consecrated bread and wine are consumed as memorials of Christ's death or as symbols for the realization of a spiritual union between Christ and communicant or as the body and blood of Christ. b : the act of receiving Communion.

11. Explain why the Church is the Mystical Body of Christ​


Because church is where they teach people God's words


Church represent christ which we received the holy commuinion.

12. What does the statement "The Church is a Communion in a state of mission" mean?

The Church is a communion for it is an assembly of people who has a mission that is why at the end of Eucharist the people are sent in order to bring the good news to others. 

13. what threatens communion in the church

 In communion I take it your talking about ecumenism, the threats have always been the same the Church is made up of man and man is not perfect and is capable of making mistakes because all men are sinners it doesn't matter if you are Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant they are all made up of sinful man. The result of heresies, apostasies, and schism is because of man the fault is never one sided. 

14. Ways of being in communion of Pilgrim Church​


The pilgrim is the anti-hermit. You could argue, I suppose, that their ends are typically the same — to draw nearer to God, to connect with spiritual tradition, to seek truth and understand wisdom. But their means are different. While the hermit withdraws from people, the pilgrim joins others on a collective journey.


The pilgrim is the anti-hermit. You could argue, I suppose, that their ends are typically the same — to draw nearer to God, to connect with spiritual tradition, to seek truth and understand wisdom. But their means are different. While the hermit withdraws from people, the pilgrim joins others on a collective journey.

I pretend to be a hermit. I’m shy and always have been. I’m introverted, too, which isn’t the same thing; being with others, especially in large groups, simply saps my energy.

But in my heart, I want to be the pilgrim. One obstacle: Despite the Bible’s repeated admonitions not to be afraid, I am. Yes, I fear disappointing God. But — true confession — my greater fear on this trip, and a sign, no doubt, of my mixed-up priorities, was that I might somehow be deemed unworthy, unwanted, by my fellow pilgrims. (Shout-out to my fellow Enneagram Sixes!)


15. How is the Church a symbol of Communion throughout history?​



Question How is the Church a symbol of Communion throughout history?

AnswerEucharist, also called Holy Communion or Lord’s Supper, in Christianity, ritual commemoration of Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples. The Eucharist (from the Greek eucharistia for “thanksgiving”) is the central act of Christian worship and is practiced by most Christian churches in some form. Along with baptism it is one of the two sacraments most clearly found in the New Testament


#carry on learning

because it is inportant of your life

16. why church triumphant (one of the 3 states of the church) is important part in the Mystical Body of Christ?​


The term “church triumphant” underlines the truth that in the glory of heaven all human sin will have been transformed, death and suffering will be no more, and the glory of God will have triumphed over all the imperfections of human history. The church militant refers to the Church on earth.

mystical body of Christ, in Roman Catholicism, a mystical union of all Christians into a spiritual body with Jesus Christ as their head. ... Augustine, reaffirmed and amplified Paul's assertion that the Christian church is a spiritual extension of Christ's body.



17. wounds that Destroy communion in the church??​


The sacrament of penance and ...

At the same time it damages communion with the Church. ... and have thus lost their baptismal grace and wounded ecclesial communion.


#carry on learning:>

18. as the member of the church, what does it mean to be communion


you eat the body of god and drink the blood of god

19. The church as communion... Explain the meaning of KOINONIA? ​




Christian fellowship or communion, with God or, more commonly, with fellow Christians.


20. . Why the Church is called the Mystical Body of Christ?​


The Mystical Body of Christ is a scriptural image of the Church drawn from the teachings of Christ and St. Paul that illustrates her unity in Christ, her relationship to him, and the interdependence of her members.

As the Mystical body of Christ, the Church extends Christ’s work of salvation throughout time. The faithful play diverse roles in the Church just as various body parts have diverse functions (cf. LG 7). Rather than harm the body, this serves its unity.



Because it is said that it is a mystical union of all Christians into a spiritual body with Jesus Christ as their head.


Mystici corporis identified the earthly presence of this body with the Catholic Church, at a time of much theological debate on the meaning of 'Mystical Body'.

21. Is communion and love needed in building a Church? How and Why?​


yes because my help for me to need the God to more give for me the more blessing

22. The church is a communion of believers. How do you show that you are in communion with other believers?​

to cooperate with the activities of the church

i hope it will help

23. What is the purpose of the communion in the Church?

Communion is a sacred time of fellowship with God, where believers remember Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. In this unique time of worship, believers commemorate the Lord's death through prayer and meditation. It is accompanied by partaking of a small piece of bread and sip of wine (or grape juice).

24. it is the gateway to the church and it is a beginning of a lasting communion with god?​


Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit ... that make an end of sin and a new beginning of goodness.


Hope it helps

25. why is church tiumphant (one of the 3 states of the church) important part in the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church.​


The term “church triumphant” underlines the truth that in the glory of heaven all human sin will have been transformed, death and suffering will be no more, and the glory of God will have triumphed over all the imperfections of human history. ... The church suffering refers to the church in purgatory.

mystical body of Christ, in Roman Catholicism, a mystical union of all Christians into a spiritual body with Jesus Christ as their head. ... Augustine, reaffirmed and amplified Paul's assertion that the Christian church is a spiritual extension of Christ's body.


hope it helps!

26. Is love faithfulness and communion needed in building a Church? How and why?​


Yes because, how can you go to church without any love, faithfulness and communion towards the church? You can't so you should have those three to build a church that can spread the word of God to the people.

27. How the Church is the communion with Jesus.​


Celebrating communion marks the story of Jesus, how He gave Himself completely to give us a better life, a new start, and a fresh relationship with God .



28. the church mimore the communion the trinity. as member of the church by virtue of Baptism, cite at least (3) actions you can do in order to show a communion in the community where you belong.​


paglilinis pagluluto pagpapalit at paglilinis ng bakuran paghuhugas ng plato

29. keywords that will make up the meaning of the church as communion​

The church defines it as everyone in the church shares a communion in spiritual goods. It is also defined as the communion of all holy people between Heaven and earth.

30. What consists of the Mystical body of the Church?


Mystical body of Christ, in Roman Catholicism, a mystical union of all Christians into a spiritual body with Jesus Christ as their head. The concept is rooted in the New Testament and possibly reflects Christianity's roots in Judaism; St.


sana makatulong


Mystical body of Christ,

in Roman Catholicism, a mystical union of all Christians into a spiritual body with Jesus Christ as their head. The concept is rooted in the New Testament and possibly reflects Christianity's roots in Judaism; St.

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