Alternative Courses Of Action In Case Study

Alternative Courses Of Action In Case Study

Alternative courses of action in case study example

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1. Alternative courses of action in case study example


Alternative Courses of Action (ACA) These are the possible solutions to the problem identified. Each ACA must stand alone and must be able to solve the stated problem and achieve the objectives. Each ACA must be mutually exclusive, I.e., the student must choose an ACA to the exclusion of the others.

mark me brainleast

2. What is an alternative course of action in case study of ponciano retailing company?

To expound on the importance of individual and organizational values beingattuned together in the company's growth

3. Case Study of build a great team by breaking a mirror articleCase Study formatPoint of ViewProblemObjectivesArea of ConsiderationAlternative Courses of ActionRecommendationProgram of ImplementationReferences​


You need to find a way to break that mirror and reflect back what you see. This doesn’t cost anything but does require some time and creativity

Gently, but firmly, give them additional responsibilities even if they are ‘made to order’Put them in situations where their ‘hidden’ skills will naturally support others and generate reinforcing behaviorBrainstorm solutions to problems with them

Breaking this mirror can bring you many, even seven years, of good luck!

4. BUSINESS FINANCE Performance Assessment #2Find out the roles the firm plays to help the country's economic development and the risks they face.Direction. Conduct an Interview with a responsible officer of any financial institution in your community.Assuming you are the CEO of the company, solve the risks faced by the company you interviewed usingthe case study format below1. Time Context:Point of View/Role of the Interviewee:Main Problem:. Objectives:III.V.Areas of Consideration:ofActionCoursesVI.AlternativeVII.RecommendationVIII.Action Plans​


thanks so much and sorry for the message


you can get a good night

5. QuestionCase Study: Solid IndustriesSolid Industries is a manufacturer of cylinder liners. Their products are mainly rejected due to defects arising in the assembly section and casting section of the company's production process. The defects in the assembly section are generally, undersize of outer diameter, oversize of inner diameter, and unproportioned collar or width. In the like manner, the defects in the casting section generally involves cracks, hardness, porosity, or evident holes in the produced cylinders. Hence, it is necessary for the company to reduce the cost of rework due to defects in assembly and casting section to improve the quality of their products.The company also targets to increase their sales in the market to gain a significant market share. Solid Industries know that they can only move forward to their goals if they will be able to find a way to achieve good quality products and operational efficiency through maximized productivity and reduced internal costs. Under these circumstances, the company established three (3) major objectives: to improve the overall efficiency of the system in assembly and casting section; to maximize output per section with less defects; and to modify the production process for better understanding and execution. Follow the suggested outline below in answering the case study:I. Backgrounda. It must include a brief summary of the organizational issue. II. Statement of the Problem a. How can Solid Industries improve the overall efficiency of their system in assembly and casting section? b. How can control charts contribute in maximizing the output produced in the different sections of the production process of Solid Industries with less defects? c. What steps should Solid Industries employ in order to modify their existing production process? III. Alternative Courses of Actiona. It must contain at least two (2) courses of action for every point stated in the statement of the problem. It must also present the advantages and disadvantages of each course of action in resolving the organizational problems. IV. Recommendationa. It must present the best course of action among the presented alternatives in resolving each organizational problem.  ​


its really hard i support you great joy

6. pa help plsCase Study: Solar Cell ManufacturerSolar Cell is a manufacturing company based in southern part of Korea that manufactures different types of solar-powered products. They have customers based in the local parts of the country and abroad. The company is growing fast due to the increased demand for non-conventional energy. The CEO of the company associates their success in the use of control charts for their manufacturing procedures which lets them control the quality of their final outputs.Although the company has been quite successful in the use of control charts for their manufacturing operations, it has extended the applications of control charts in their non-manufacturing sectors such as HR and Finance. The reason for this implementation is because of the majorincrease in employee attrition and significantly large budget allotted to several departments of the company. Based on the result of the exit interviews, most of the employees who left the company claimed that they experienced work-life imbalance particularly for the operators since they were required to work in extended hours in circumstances when their substitute partners would not be able to arrive to work on time or would not be able to report to work at all. The minority of the resigned employees thought that they were misaligned and not trained for their job, they felt undervalued and afraid that growth opportunities were not present in the company. Another problem area that the top management has observed involves the finance team of the company. The management have found out that allotted budgets in some departments or work units of the firm are unrealistic, inaccurate, and unreasonable. After reviewing all the problem areas of the organization, the company’s quality assurance team suggested the use of control charts in the two (2) departments where the problems are prevalent.However, another difficult situation arises due to the resistance of the employees toward the use of control charts which gains several complaints from the employees pertaining to exhausting additional workload since they would have to monitor and notate the different outflows and inflows in their major and minor day-to-day operations. There was a clear lack of understanding of the benefits of control charts and the need for change using control charts as a catalyst for change. The senior management team decided to provide a one-day awareness program for the HR and Finance people so that they can understand the expectations and the need for the control chart initiative within the company. Moreover, an executive awareness was also introduced to all senior management team so that they would understand the importance and benefits of control charts in the business.​Follow the suggested outline below in answering the case study: I. Background a. It must include a brief summary of the organizational issue. II. Statement of the Problem a. How can Solar Cell Manufacturer control or eliminate attrition and overspending in their organization through the use of control charts? b. What steps should the top management employ in order to overcome the resistance of the employees in the change initiative? c. What steps in implementing Statistical Process Control (SPC) should Solar Cell Manufacturer apply in order to succeed in the initiative?III. Areas of Consideration a. It must include details and facts from the case that contribute to the organizational problem of the company. IV. Alternative Courses of Action a. It must contain at least (2) two courses of action for every point stated in the statement of the problem. It must also present the advantages and disadvantages of each course of action in resolving the organizational problem. V. Recommendation a. It must present the best course of action among the presented alternatives in resolving each organizational problem. VI. Management Lessons Learned a. It must discuss the takeaways from the case and the relevant things that the company should do or not do in order to avoid the given organizational problems








7. : Solid Industries Solid Industries is a manufacturer of cylinder liners. Their products are mainly rejected due to defects arising in the assembly section and casting section of the company’s production process. The defects in the assembly section are generally, undersize of outer diameter, oversize of inner diameter, and unproportioned collar or width. In the like manner, the defects in the casting section generally involves cracks, hardness, porosity, or evident holes in the produced cylinders. Hence, it is necessary for the company to reduce the cost of rework due to defects in assembly and casting section to improve the quality of their products. The company also targets to increase their sales in the market to gain a significant market share. Solid Industries know that they can only move forward to their goals if they will be able to find a way to achieve good quality products and operational efficiency through maximized productivity and reduced internal costs. Under these circumstances, the company established three (3) major objectives: to improve the overall efficiency of the system in assembly and casting section; to maximize output per section with less defects; and to modify the production process for better understanding and execution. Follow the suggested outline below in answering the case study: I. Background a. It must include a brief summary of the organizational issue. II. Statement of the Problem a. How can Solid Industries improve the overall efficiency of their system in assembly and casting section? b. How can control charts contribute in maximizing the output produced in the different sections of the production process of Solid Industries with less defects? c. What steps should Solid Industries employ in order to modify their existing production process? III. Alternative Courses of Action a. It must contain at least two (2) courses of action for every point stated in the statement of the problem. It must also present the advantages and disadvantages of each course of action in resolving the organizational problems. IV. Recommendation a. It must present the best course of action among the presented alternatives in resolving each organizational problem



I. Background

Solid Industries is a manufacturer of cylinder liners that is facing issues with defects in their products. These defects occur in both the assembly and casting sections of their production process, and include issues such as undersize outer diameters, oversize inner diameters, unproportioned collars, cracks, hardness, porosity, and evident holes. The company has established three major objectives in order to improve their operations and increase their sales: to improve efficiency in the assembly and casting sections, to maximize output with fewer defects, and to modify their production process.

II. Statement of the Problem

a. How can Solid Industries improve the overall efficiency of their system in the assembly and casting sections?

One potential solution to this issue is implementing a Six Sigma process improvement methodology. Six Sigma aims to identify and eliminate defects in manufacturing processes by identifying and addressing the root cause of issues. Another potential solution is implementing lean manufacturing principles, which focus on reducing waste and increasing efficiency through continuous process improvement.

b. How can control charts contribute in maximizing the output produced in the different sections of the production process of Solid Industries with fewer defects?

Control charts, which are graphical representations of process performance over time, can be used to monitor the production process and identify trends or patterns that may indicate potential issues. By regularly reviewing control charts, Solid Industries can identify and address issues as they arise, which can lead to fewer defects and increased output.

c. What steps should Solid Industries employ in order to modify their existing production process?

One potential step is conducting a thorough process analysis to identify areas of waste and inefficiency. This can be done through techniques such as value stream mapping or process flow analysis. Once areas of improvement are identified, Solid Industries can implement process changes or introduce new technologies to streamline their operations. Additionally, implementing a continuous improvement culture, where employees are encouraged to identify and address issues as they arise, can help facilitate ongoing process modification.

III. Alternative Courses of Action

a. Six Sigma process improvement methodology

Advantages: Six Sigma is a proven methodology that has been successful in improving efficiency and reducing defects in manufacturing processes. It also provides a structured approach for identifying and addressing root causes of issues.

Disadvantages: Implementing Six Sigma can be time-consuming and may require significant resources, including training for employees and the acquisition of specialized software. It may also be difficult to sustain long-term without ongoing commitment and resources.

b. Lean manufacturing principles

Advantages: Lean manufacturing focuses on identifying and eliminating waste in the production process, which can lead to increased efficiency and lower costs. It also emphasizes continuous improvement and can be easily integrated into an existing production process.

Disadvantages: Implementing lean principles may require significant changes to the current production process, which can be disruptive and may require additional training for employees. It may also be difficult to sustain long-term without ongoing commitment and resources.

IV. Recommendation

Based on the information provided, it is recommended that Solid Industries consider implementing a combination of Six Sigma and lean manufacturing principles in order to improve efficiency, reduce defects, and modify their production process. Six Sigma can provide a structured approach for identifying and addressing root causes of issues, while lean manufacturing can help streamline operations by eliminating waste and increasing efficiency. Additionally, implementing a continuous improvement culture can help ensure that these improvements are sustained over the long term. However, it is important for Solid Industries to carefully consider the resources and commitment required for implementing these changes, and to ensure that they have the necessary support and buy-in from all stakeholders.


I. Background

Solid Industries is a manufacturer of cylinder liners that experiences defects in the assembly and casting sections of their production process. These defects result in rework and cost the company time and resources. The company has established three major objectives: to improve the overall efficiency of their system in the assembly and casting sections, to maximize output with fewer defects, and to modify the production process for better understanding and execution.

II. Statement of the Problem

a. How can Solid Industries improve the overall efficiency of their system in the assembly and casting sections?

One potential course of action for improving efficiency in the assembly and casting sections could be to implement a continuous improvement program, such as Six Sigma or Lean Manufacturing. This could involve identifying and analyzing the root causes of defects, and implementing process improvements to address these issues. Another potential course of action could be to invest in new equipment or technology that may help to improve efficiency.

Advantages of implementing a continuous improvement program: Can help to identify and eliminate waste in the production process, can lead to improved quality and reduced defects, and can help to reduce costs by improving efficiency.

Advantages of investing in new equipment or technology: Can help to improve efficiency by automating certain tasks or streamlining processes, can increase capacity and output, and can potentially reduce defects.

Disadvantages of implementing a continuous improvement program: Can be time-consuming and require a significant investment in training and resources, may require significant changes to the existing production process, and may not yield results in the short term.

Disadvantages of investing in new equipment or technology: Can be expensive, may require significant upfront investment, and may not yield a positive return on investment if the equipment is not properly utilized.

b. How can control charts contribute in maximizing the output produced in the different sections of the production process of Solid Industries with less defects?

Control charts can be used to monitor the stability and predictability of a process over time. By plotting the output of a process on a control chart and setting control limits, it is possible to identify when the process is operating within a stable range and when it is experiencing unusual variations that could indicate the presence of defects. By monitoring and controlling the process using control charts, Solid Industries can aim to maximize output while minimizing defects.

c. What steps should Solid Industries employ in order to modify their existing production process?

One potential step Solid Industries could take to modify their existing production process is conducting a process mapping exercise to understand the current state of the process and identify opportunities for improvement. This could involve creating a flow diagram of the process, identifying bottlenecks and other inefficiencies, and brainstorming potential solutions. Another potential step is implementing a continuous improvement program, such as a kaizen event, to involve all employees in identifying and addressing problems in the production process. This could involve identifying areas for improvement, setting goals, and implementing changes to the process based on data and analysis.

III. Alternative Courses of Action

a. Implementing a lean manufacturing system

Advantages: Lean manufacturing principles can help to reduce waste and increase efficiency in the production process. This could lead to cost savings, improved quality, and increased customer satisfaction.

Disadvantages: Implementing a lean manufacturing system requires significant organizational changes and may require a significant investment in training and resources. It may also require a cultural shift in the organization to embrace a continuous improvement mindset.

b. Implementing a Six Sigma approach

Advantages: Six Sigma principles can help to identify and eliminate defects in the production process, leading to improved quality and customer satisfaction. It can also provide a structured approach for identifying and addressing problems in the process.

Disadvantages: Implementing a Six Sigma approach requires a significant investment in training and resources, and may require a cultural shift in the organization to embrace a data-driven approach to problem solving. It may also be time-consuming to implement and may require the involvement of external consultants.

IV. Recommendation

Based on the information provided, it is recommended that Solid Industries consider implementing a combination of lean manufacturing principles and Six Sigma techniques in order to improve

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