Ncbts Tsna Domains

Ncbts Tsna Domains

Moocs related to the competencies of ncbts domain

There are several Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) that are related to the competencies indicated in the National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) domain. Some of these MOOCs are provided online by a reputable sites. Some of these sites are the following:


1.    Coursera

2.    EdX

3.    Future Learn

4.    Open Learning

5.    Udacity

6.    NovoEd

7.    Iversity

8.    Canvas

9.    Open 2 Study

10.  Udemy Faculty Project


2. How can the NCBTS help?​


To maintain quality education


NCBTS serves as a framework and sets standards on teaching learning experience. Also it unifies the quality of teaching that every filipinos should have access to

3. If the NCBTS is the measure of a global teacher, can the teacher you interviewed be able to meet rhe challenges of global education?

yeah because of the inflation rate .

4. If the NCBTS is the measure of a global teacher, can the teacher you interviewed be able to meet rhe challenges of global education? Why? Why not?

yeah because of the inflation rate of return .

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