1. What is Collaborative ICT?2. What is the advantages of Collaborative ICT? 3. How Collaborative ICT can be used for learning? 4. What are the platforms used for collaborative ICT development?
1. 1. What is Collaborative ICT?2. What is the advantages of Collaborative ICT? 3. How Collaborative ICT can be used for learning? 4. What are the platforms used for collaborative ICT development?
Answer in 1. - Online Collaboration on an online environment allows people to generate content, reflection, review/modification, while making modifications process visible to others. ... The writers and designers can easily get feedback and approval of the content that they are working on.
Answer in 2. - Speed/time and money can be saved because it is much quicker to send/share information around. Communication is more efficient to contact either business partners or friends and family members all over the world. ICT expands availability for communications.
Answer in 3. - Collaborative Learning encourages and enables students to work and learn together to study and explore a subject, to solve a problem, to complete a task or an assignment, or to create a project. Using ICT to support such collaborative work has a number of advantages.
Answer in 4. - ^
Here are a list of Collaboration & Communication platforms & software that can be used to connect and integrate your most essential business components.
DropboxGoogle DriveSharepoint Skype for BusinessBoxMicrosoft OfficeSlackHubspot{Sana nakatulong. <33}
2. What is collaborative development in ICT?
Online collaboration lets a group of people work together in real-time over the Internet. ICT COLLABORATIVE DEVELOPMENT Managing a Project, costs, and the dynamics of a team depends on collaboration to keep the project running smoothly.
I understand in ICT is to support such collaborative work has a number of advantages. Not only can it facilitate certain collaborative activities but it also can enable students work collaboratively even when they are located in different places and collaborating at different times.
Brainliest (nf)
4. Is the purpose of the ICT collaboration builds research relationships and networks through shared training, technological, and product development programs?
Answer: The purpose of the ICT collaboration is to build research relationships and networks through shared training and technological and product development agendas. ... This, in turn, will ensure the linkages among ICTs, organization structure, and geographical dispersion (Hossain & Wigand, 2003) #CarryOnLearning
5. why ICT. as a tool for collaboration in the classroom use the acronym
6. what is collaboration in Computer or ICT??
Collaboration denotes communicating and working together across organizational boundaries (Baker, 1992). Virtual collaboration, on the other hand, refers to the use of ICT for supporting the collective interaction among multiple parties involved (Hossain & Wigand, 2003; Kock, 2000
Collaboration denotes communicating and working together across organizational boundaries (Baker, 1992).
7. 5 type of collaborative ICT design
1.presentation and visualization
2.cloud computing
3.social media
4.web page
5.blog or publisher sites
#Carry On Learning❤
presentation and visualizationcloud computingsocial mediaweb pageblog or publisher sitesExplanation:
hope it helps °π°
8. 10. The following are platforms use for collaborative ICT development exceptA. Microsoft OfficeB. BlogsC. eBooksD. magazines
D. Magazines
9. 1.Is collaborative ict development an important tool for social and economic change?why?
yes it is important because it helps to build research relationships and networks through shared training and technological and product development agendas.
10. what is collaboration?How an ICT be useful in doing collaborative tasks successfully?
co-ordination of group work, tools for recording progress and giving feedback, libraries of solutions and best practices as well as meta- information
sana naka tulong❤
11. The following are platforms use for collaborative ict development except
sorry hindi ko po alam yung sagot
12. List all possible existing websites and/or social networking sites. What are the similarities of each? Make a comparison of these websites. Subject (Collaborative Development in ICT) G-11
Rude daw ayaw sorry pre hehe
13. what are the advantage and disadvantage of ICT collaborative tools?
. Communication - Speed / time – money can be saved because it's much quicker to move information around. With the help of ICT it has become quicker and more efficient.
14. how important are collaboration and coordination in ict project development?
It is promoted by collective goals, mutual understanding, informal activity, shared resources,and common vision. The purpose of the ICT collaboration is to build research relationships and networks through shared training and technological and product development agendas.
15. Explain how ICT can be used for collaborative learning.
It can be used to gauge conceptual understanding, filter information, draw conclusions and encourage peer learning among students. Essentially it involves putting students into pairs and asking them to discuss a challenging question and then to report their findings back to the class.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) could support collaborative learning in three main ways: (1) As an interpersonal communication tool to support collaborative learning strategies that are used in face-to-face settings; (2) computer-supported collaborative work where the learners work on a common document ...
http://cogtools.weebly.com › ...PDF
Collaborative Learning and
pa brainliest poh
16. what did you realize in Collaborative Development of ICT Content?
ICT content can be created and published anytime and anywhere. ... People can work together to develop content by using online platforms, collaborative tools and also form a team structure with team dynamics. This improves quality of work while making the content development process faster.
The purpose of the ICT collaboration is to build research relationships and networks through shared training and technological and product development agendas.
17. What i collaboration? How can ICT be ueful in doing collaborative tak uccefully?.
Collaboration is the process of two or more people working together to achieve a common goal. ICT (information and communications technology) can be used to facilitate collaborative tasks in many ways. It can provide a platform for remote team members to communicate and work together, as well as giving them access to shared resources, such as documents, spreadsheets and databases. ICT also enables teams to collaborate in real-time, allowing them to make decisions quickly and efficiently. Video conferencing tools can also be used to bring remote team members together to discuss projects or brainstorm ideas, while online tools such as Slack allow team members to quickly and easily share ideas and documents.
18. what is the most powerful collaboration tool in ICT today?
Zoom Meetings
sana makatulong hehe
19. in your own understanding , what is the importance of online collaborative tools platforms use for ICT development?
The importance it will be the Useful in technology and explore the need in Thing that need to develop.
20. What ict tool in education allows effective collaboration
Edmodo. Edmodo is an educational tool that connects teachers and students, and is assimilated into a social network. In this one, teachers can create online collaborative groups, administer and provide educational materials, measure student performance, and communicate with parents, among other functions.
21. how can collaborative ICT development be used in your daily life?
I hope it helps you
22. How can online collaborative tools be used to collaboratively develop ICT content?
It can be used to gauge conceptual understanding, filter information, draw conclusions and encourage peer learning among students. Essentially it involves putting students into pairs and asking them to discuss a challenging question and then to report their findings back to the class.
23. Which ICT tool in education allows effective collaboration?
it is an educational tool that connects teachers and students, and is assimilated into a social network.
24. Wjat are the advantage of ICT in online collaboration?
Online collaboration allows the members of a team working on the same project from different locations to manage it more efficiently without moving out of their locations. They can share their views, images, files and documents of the same project to take a quick decision to ensure better progress in the project.
Productivity. Pros: Online collaboration gives team members the tools they need to work with others from any location, including from home and while travelling. ...
Efficiency. Pros: Employees typically spend three hours a day searching for information and/or writing emails. ...
Cost. ...
Audience. ...
Security. ...
Project Management.
25. how to do this? Online Creation & Collaboration of ICT Content: Design and Development of a Web Page
use a computer editor app
create a web page and edit it
Hope it helps pa brain less po
26. What is the impact of Collaborative ICT Development to you as a student especially on your Online Learning this Pandemic.
What is the impact of ICT on you as an individual and as a student?
ICTs have a positive impact on student achievement in blended-learning situations Classrooms are considered face-to-face learning environments, but classroom learning can be supplemented with the use of ICTs such as web-based courses and other online technologies. This is considered a 'blended learning' situation.
27. The following are platforms use for collaborative ICT development except____
except for letter D which is magazine
Explanation: why? its because that this 3 platforms are made by ict development which is the social media but the magazine was made by us as a human·28. what is the generalization about collaborative process involving the development of ICT
Ict is a subject that has computer things
it talk about computers
29. what is collaboration? How can ICT be useful in doing collaborative tasks successfully?
what is collaboration? How can ICT be useful in doing collaborative tasks successfully?ICT as a collaborative technology offers functionalities for co-ordination of group work, tools for recording progress and giving feedback, libraries of solutions and best practices as well as meta- information (that is date, author and sequence of contributions).
In an IT context, collaboration is a situation in which multiple parties converge toward a common goal. The term can be applied to a technology that allows individuals or groups to work together. This covers a broad spectrum of technologies, including social and interactive media and other social platforms.
It can be used to gauge conceptual understanding, filter information, draw conclusions and encourage peer learning among students. Essentially it involves putting students into pairs and asking them to discuss a challenging question and then to report their findings back to the class.
30. how does collaborative ICT development affect your attitude towards the online world?
It is promoted by collective goals, mutual understanding, informal activity, shared resources,and common vision. The purpose of the ICT collaboration is to build research relationships and networks through shared training and technological and product development agendas.